fredag 16 oktober 2009

Kitchen, no nightmare

Just wanted to share some pictures my kitchen, which I absolutely love and adore.

Thoughts around my kitchen: Stainless steel (costum made), good surfaces to work on - easy to clean. There is a reason why they have these in basically every professional kitchen in the world. The sink is welded into the structure. Also, cooking with induction takes some getting used to. However, you can get a type of heat I've never experienced on a regular stove. Gas would've been good as well, but this is easier to keep clean, which is a bonus if you're no huge fan of cleaning.

Oven with a special bread and pizza function. - Yes, it's true, and fantastic!
And permanent knobs to the right to place hot trays and pans on.

One important feature when we designed the new kitchen was that is was not going to be too sterile. Sometimes, especially in catalogues, it can look like a mausoleum, daunting and you'd feel nervous to bring any sort of produce into it, and making a mess in this spotless designer living. That for me, would be a kitchen nightmare. Instead we leave pots, pans and utensils hanging. Slightly emulating an industrial kitchen, but most of all making it easy to grab something and just get in the game.

And on the bench is also a 5 kg bag of the very special flour Manitoba Cream. I've nearly used up two of them in two months. So you would think that you would've seen more pictures of bread by now.

Kitchenly yours

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