Today I went to church, because we had a gig with the gospel choir that I'm part of - Glow. It's interesting how hard it is for me these days to sit through a sermon, compared to how it used to be. Before, I could take in what was being said and pretty much reflect on that, maybe with a minor mental excursion into some thought of my own. These days, it's more like if you would imagine the preacher standing in their pulpit, and behind him/her you would have about eight TV-screens (with sound) that were showing different channels, but all kind of commenting on the same news. That is what's going on in my head these days - some sort of super-reflection-deluxe-mode.
(What I'm saying it's kind of like if you tried reflecting on the multiple meanings of the cross in the setting above...)
Even the smallest things get analyzed and processed, as if they were text in a book that I'm reading in order to use it for a text or paper I'm currently writing. Some people have said that theology made them doubt their beliefs and was mainly a painful experience. But I honestly think that those people who are interested in growing as persons must endure the experience, painful as it may be at times, in order to come out on the other side with a more genuine relationship to their faith and a renewed image of what exactly God means.
That said, I'm not judging the pastor for their interpretations and reflections. It's merely that I can see the different possibilities in expression and association, at any given turn of the sermon, could just as well go in another direction. Nuff said for today.